UWHealth Citrix

General Information

Citrix is a software platform that provides virtualized remote access services.  UWHealth and SMPH departments use Citrix as a way to connect users to products like Healthlink (aka Epic, which is the name of the software company who created Healthlink).  Psychiatry department employees who need to access medical records will almost certainly need to use Citrix.


UWHealth to enforce Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for all Citrix logins in early 2022.  Read more here:



UWHealth controls who has access to Citrix and how many privileges each user gets.  Access requests are submitted with a Computer Systems Authorization Form (CSAR).  End users are expected to request access privileges from their supervisors.

How To Use Citrix

  1. Use Google Chrome to open this link: https://citrix.uwhealth.org
  2. Enter your UWHealth credentials (usually in the form abc123@pa.uwhealth.org)
  3. If prompted, approve the login on your phone (see here if you do not have multi-factor authentication set up). This might not be required if you are on an internal Wispic or UWHealth network.
    • If at any time you see a prompt to Detect Receiver, click “Detect Receiver”If at any time you see a prompt to Open Citrix Workspace Launcher, check the box that says “Always allow citrix.uwhealth.org to open links of this type in the associated app” then click “Open Citrix Workspace Launcher”If at any time you see a prompt called Citrix Workspace – Security Warning, check the box that says “Do not ask me again for this site” and click “Permit use.”If you cannot get the detection to succeed, please see “Citrix Workspace (formerly Receiver) is not installed on my computer” in the Related Topics section below.
  4. Once logged in, you will see your Citrix Storefront, which displays the apps/resources you have access to through your account.  Note, you will only see apps/resources that you have access to, so your storefront might look differently from someone else’s.  For example, you might see HealthLink and Outlook here.
  5. Click on the app/resource you want to open.  A new Citrix window should open to launch the app.  For example, when launching HealthLink you should see this followed by another login screen where you again enter your UWHealth credentials.
  1. Use Google Chrome to open this link: https://citrix.uwhealth.org
  2. Enter your UWHealth credentials (usually in the form abc123@pa.uwhealth.org)
  3. If prompted, approve the login on your phone (see here if you do not have multi-factor authentication set up).
    • If at any time you see a prompt to Detect Receiver, click “Detect Receiver”
    • If you cannot get the detection to succeed, please see “Citrix Workspace (formerly Receiver) is not installed on my computer” in the Related Topics section below.
  4. Once logged in, you will see your Citrix Storefront, which displays the apps/resources you have access to through your account.  Note, you will only see apps/resources that you have access to, so your storefront might look differently from someone else’s.  For example, you might see HealthLink and Outlook here.
  5. Click on the app/resource you want to open.  A new Citrix window should open to launch the app.  If you see the following prompt, check the box that says “Always allow citrix.uwhealth.org to open links of this type in the associated app” then click “Open Citrix Workspace Launcher.For example, when launching HealthLink you should see something like this followed by another login screen where you again enter your UWHealth credentials.