In order to connect to the iEEG data repository, you must be on the WisPIC internal network.  You are on this network if any of the following conditions are true:

  • You are on a computer at WisPIC that has a physical Ethernet cable connected to it.
  • You are on a WiFi-connected laptop that is connected to SMPH’s VPN Portal.
  • You are on a computer outside of WisPIC that is connected to SMPH’s VPN Portal.

If any of these conditions is true, follow the steps below based on your computer operating system below.

  1. Click the yellow folder labeled File Explorer in the task bar:
  2. In left column, right-click This PC to select Map Network Drive…, shown next:
  3. A smaller window will appear where you select any available drive letter from the drop-down “Drive” menu, e.g., Z:.
  4. Type in the entire address in the “Folder” field:  \\\data. (For VPN-connected laptops, it is recommended to uncheck the “Reconnect at sign-in” box.) Then, click Finish.
  5. For the last step, enter your NetID after “ad\” (note the direction of the slash, which is a backslash), e.g., ad\bbadger. Finally, click Finish:

If you need further assistance, or this process didn’t work, please contact the help desk.

  1. In the Finder menu bar, click Go then Connect to Server, as demonstrated below (or press command-K on the keyboard):
  2. In the window that appears, enter smb:// then click Connect:
  3. If prompted, enter your ad\yourNetID (note the direction of the slash) and password, then click Connect. Otherwise, the share will automatically mount and be displayed.
  1. In the Finder menu bar, click Go then Connect to Server, as demonstrated below (or press command-K on the keyboard):
  2. In the window that appears, enter smb:// After that, click Connect, as shown next:
  3. Enter your ad\yourNetID (note the direction of the slash) and password, then click Connect. The example below is what Bucky would enter:
  4. When prompted to select a volume, select “Data,” then click OK.

If you need further assistance, or this process didn’t work, please contact the help desk.